Tuna Cat Stealing Cute Funny Gif

Hey post some funny gifs I personally dont have one but you may.

Im going to start a topic about jokes and not tell one. And put it in the Mother 3 forum.

(PS: Twas a bad idea, sir)

What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

*Shoots the SSB:M board an accusing look*



So what do I win


This one is the funniest thing you will ever see in your life.



I made this one fine day when I was really bored. It took me about five minutes to make this and the frames are all skippy, but it's meant to be funny anyway.

Rifter Dask wrote on Thu, 24 March 2005 14:26

What was the start of all this? When did the cogs of fate begin to turn?

*Shoots the SSB:M board an accusing look*

What did I do? Sad



Uglei Lee(sp?), the person who created the "Door" animation, is a senior at my school I believe.


I feel sorry for that guy. Well, I made it, so no I don't.

Rocketboy-that looks like Carl! (ATHF)


Yup. Love that comic. The mom looks like a cannibal.

Sorry to relive a thread... but I just had to.


I made this one I made to look like Liu Kang is good at Mortal Kombat... until...


I would spoiler this for the half of a bad word, but the spoiler link when clicked on disables all animations on the page.


That's awesome Kaiyjuu


So it's not a gif. Sue me.

Gon...that...that freaking rules... O_O

I put a bun in the oven and out came Giygas.

Kaiyju wins with a Diablo 2 reference.

I'm extremely cute.

aahahhaha gon that reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes :DDDD

ShadowX wins for a Jungle reference. Twice, I might add.

xfisjmg wins with broomgame gif.

ShadowX wrote on Sun, 17 April 2005 03:50

20 reasons why I win this thread.


Hey, I made that a while back. Hohoho.

ShadowsX done stole our animated .gifs. Well you know what happens to people who done steal our animated .gifs. *shotgun*

Now, I never said I made any of those. Razz

The only gifs I ever made and are worth showing are these...



And what was up when you made that gif Hawien Shertz? Its too nuts for you to have been sane at the moment of its creation.

It was a combination of random image searchs for 'nerd' 'dork' and 'bucket' and I think it was a 'post your Paula' thread in the SGPC. I was shocked at myself!

ShadowX wrote on Tue, 19 April 2005 21:07

The only gifs I ever made and are worth showing are these...


That's on the homestar runner site, as an easter egg after "The Cheat's New Boots"

Hes in the video, but I made the gif.

WTF? ShadowX stole my Keiichi Tsuchiya gif! </3






I must give a whole-hearted, "WTF" to the dancing Mawile. :0

I got these gifs from my friends Piczo website. Personally, I don't like Piczo's web hosting.


ShadowX wrote on Sat, 16 April 2005 21:50


I think we have a winner. Here's my in-joke GIF.


I can make another one from that day, but I doubt Luna will appreciate me posting it.

Parrothead's yoinking most of his GIFs from the KRR forum or from the KRR forum members' sites, as far as I can recognize on most of 'em, but oh well. :P The dancing Mawile was made by Kine the Genius and that girly-looking pink-haired dancing Gojyo gif was made by pictures I ripped out of a Flash movie someone else did. And the two hypnotic flashing ones are by Ivyna J. Spyder.

Oh, and http://tmp.4chan.org/gif/src/1114146419995.gif

lol 4chan XP

EDIT: snapz :<

the pinnacle of gnarly-ness.?t=getfile&id=5452&private=0

AHHH! That looks like my cat when he was young and cute! Uh, minus the frog-head.


Source: https://forum.starmen.net/forum/Fan/Forum/11345/211428

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